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Study Design

  • Cross Sectional(43)
  • Case Control(4)
  • Dataset based on Topic Classification

  • Communicable Disease(13)
  • Non-Communicable Disease(11)
  • Neglected Tropical Disease(1)
  • Water and Sanitation(1)
  • Mental Health(1)
  • Health Service Planning and Management(3)
  • Health and Human Service(Health Workforce)(1)
  • Disability and Rehabilitation(1)
  • Reproductive, Maternal, Newbord and Child Health(7)

    Cental Data Repository

    Central Data Repository

    The Regional RDMC has the resposibility to established a centralized health data repository systems that continuously collects and archives health and health related data and information in the region. All health and health related data are hanted, mapped and archieved in our datacenter and made ready for visualization, analysis and policy making and intervention action.

    Data Analysis and visualization

    Data Analysis and visualization

    The Regional RDMC has the resposibility to Understand and analyze data at hand, perform data evaluation and validation, process and analyse, Data visualization and presentation. The center also filtering, interpreting, adapting, contextualizing, disseminating and communicating evidences for the purpose of decision making.

    Data To Action

    Burdon of Disease Forecast and Evidence Generation

    The Regional RDMC has the resposibility to perform comprehensive and comparable estimates including key metrics of Years of Life Lost (YLLs), Years Lived with Disability (YLDs), and Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), Captures all forms of health loss (death, sickness, injury), identify all potential diseases, injuries, and impairments in the region.

    ICT Services

    ICT Services

    The Regional RDMC has the resposibility to provide Network Coverage and Administration, Systems development and Administration Website development and Administration, Database design and Administration, Office Machine Maintenance, ICT Support & Consultancy.